
Thumbnail of first page of Manifesto document

The Richmond Society’s Manifesto sets out the principles that guide our work to preserve and enhance Richmond.

The Manifesto pledges to

  • support the local economy whilst raising awareness of culture, history and heritage, and enhancing facilities for residents and visitors alike
  • encourage an active interest in Richmond and its various community bodies whilst providing a focus for our members to meet and socialise
  • continue the Society’s work of more than six decades to conserve all that is good about the town and its natural and built environment
  • campaign against air and other forms of pollution, aircraft noise and any other harmful environmental matters, including the expansion of Heathrow Airport which we believe to be unnecessary and hazardous to surrounding communities including our own
  • actively support anything that contributes to the realisation of this vision and oppose anything that might impede it.

We are always interested to know what you think of our Manifesto and our vision for Richmond. Please send feedback to