Category Archives: Activities

The future of Richmond’s surviving red telephone kiosks

K6 telephone box at St MatthiasMany months down the line and after repeated requests, details are still awaited from the Council of its scheme for the adoption of redundant, former BT, K.6-type telephone kiosks in the Town and potential funding for their repair and restoration.

Some thirty years ago, at the time that BT was proposing the removal of the long-familiar red kiosks from cities, towns and villages across the country and their replacement with inferior models, the Richmond Society was directly involved in securing the listing of four of the then almost forty Giles Gilbert-Scott designed kiosks in the Town and their restoration – such as the two outside The Prince’s Head on The Green.

Years later, the few surviving kiosks are once again threatened – this time with redundancy and disuse.

Whilst the recent successful restoration of the two kiosks on The Green is to be welcomed, the future of others, such as the listed kiosks in The Vineyard and on Richmond Bridge and the unlisted kiosk at the head of Albany Passage near the top of King’s Road, for which the Council rightly but unsuccessfully sought listing remains unclear. The Council’s acquisition of these kiosks from BT is a welcome first step. However, adoption by one of more groups in the local community and their potential conversion for other appropriate purposes, together with their restoration and future maintenance have yet to be pursued.

The Society’s Executive Committee has agreed to support the Council in seeking to persuade Historic England to review its decision to reject the listing of the kiosk outside St Matthias’ Church and looks forward to hearing from members interested in the potential adoption and re-use of this and the listed kiosk in the Vineyard.

The Byways of Richmond walk

Paul Velluet at the K6 phone boxes on The Green, Richmond, leading the walk around the Byways of Richmond About 50 members and guests turned up for the Society’s inaugural heritage walk of the 2018 season – an exploration of many of the byways of Richmond including the town’s historic lanes, courts and alleyways on a fine, summery evening. It was led by Paul Velluet, seen in the photo during a pause by two of the red telephone kiosks close to The Prince’s Head on The Green, now preserved and listed thanks to The Richmond Society’s intervention some years ago. Richmond used to have 40 of these iconic phone boxes, now there are only four.

Such was the success of the tour that the size of the group precluded deeper exploration into some of the smaller lanes and a plan to end the evening with an adjournment to The Victoria, Richmond’s smallest pub on the lower slopes of Richmond Hill, had to be abandoned. Many of us ended up in The Duke’s Head in The Vineyard, where more anecdotes about Richmond’s rich heritage were exchanged.

The next walk is on Wednesday 23 May. The title is From The Lass to the Marshgate: The Queen’s Road Estate, Pesthouse Common and Courtlands. A visit to the former Parish Workhouse of 1787, now converted to residential apartments, is included.

Old Deer Park Consultation January 2018

The Richmond Society has participated in the Old Deer Park Working Group for more than five years. 

In December 2017 Richmond Council issued its Draft Supplementary Planning Document for the Old Deer Park.   The consultation on this ended on Monday 22nd January 2018. Response thumbnail

The Old Deer Park Working Group’s response can be found here, or by clocking the image to the left.

The original proposals for the Old Deer Park were published by Kim Wilkie on behalf of the Crown Estates in 1999. You can read a copy of this on our website here.

Proposed Virginia Woolf statue in Richmond

Proposed statue on bench on Richmond Riverside (from consultation).

Richmond Council has held a consultation to gather views on a heritage project to create the first ever life-sized, full figure statue of the famous writer Virginia Woolf.

This would be a sculpture incorporating a bench located on Richmond Riverside, as illustrated in the picture.

The chosen artist Laury Dizengremel produced the Capability Brown statue at Hammersmith. A short YouTube video provides more information on this.

The Richmond Society is in favour of this proposal, though believes that the bench included as part of the sculpture should match those elsewhere on Richmond Riverside.

The consultation closed on 10th December.  Further information about it can be found on Richmond Council’s website.

Annual Awards 2017

Annual Awards 2017 logo. The Richmond Society’s Annual Awards for 2017 were presented on Thursday 21st September by our patron, Baroness van Dedem.  This was the 40th anniversary of the first Richmond Society awards in 1977.

Paul Martin, Chief Executive London Boroughs of Richmond and Wandsworth was the guest of honour.

This year’s brass plaque was given for the renovation and conversion to apartments of the Star and Garter.

Brass Plaque Award – Star & Garter:
Renovation and conversion to apartments

Annual Awards 2017: Star and Garter, Richmond.

London Square
Mark Lopeman
Mark Smith
PDP London
Simon Gazzard
London Square

Commendation – The Tap Tavern:
Transformation of the street façades

Annual Awards 2017: The Tap Tavern, Richmond.

Mr Sat Ghuman
Rosendale Design
Dale Atkinson
Thompsons Ltd
Joseph Thompson

Commendation – The Ivy Café:
Transformation of restaurant premises

Annual Awards 2017: The Ivy Café, Richmond.

Pegasus Group
Michael Spurgeon
Pump House Designs
Steve Fasey
We Make It Happen Design & Build
Lucy Potter
Laura Sadler
Alyssa Kirton

Commendation – Richmond War Memorial:
Cleaning and restoration

Annual Awards 2017: Richmond War Memorial.

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Michael Pike
Stonewest Ltd
Carl Nicholas
Toby Moore
Terry Watts

Commendation – Holbrook House:
Renovation of Garden

Annual Awards 2017: Holbrook House, Richmond.

Holbrook House Ltd
Robert Leigh
Robin Hart Design
Robin Hart


With many thanks to Helen Taylor for the photos.


Wendy Macaulay 1924-2017

Members of the Society and many others who have lived in and around Richmond since the 1950s and 1960s or longer were much saddened by news of the death of Wendy Macaulay at the end of June.

Wendy made a significant contribution to the Richmond Society across the years – as a founder member of the Society and as member of its Executive Committee from 1957 until 1964, when she stood down to have her fourth child – her place being taken by her friend Sheila Attenborough – and as a valued member and supporter through the years since, including serving as area-representative for Richmond Hill from 1970.

As a resident of Rosemont Road on Richmond Hill for some sixty years, Wendy was a well-known and highly regarded figure in Richmond and an effective campaigner for securing the best for the Town, its community and its amenity. Members of the Society who attended the celebration of the first sixty years of the Society in April will remember with pleasure Wendy’s fascinating recollections of the Town and the Society in its early days.

Perhaps Wendy’s greatest achievement locally was her co-founding The Friends of Richmond Park in 1961 and her active involvement and continuing support for the protection and conservation of the Park ‘for the benefit of public and future generations’. Right up to her recently leaving Rosemont Road and moving to a care-home overlooking her beloved Park, Wendy remained active in local affairs, supporting Liberal causes and the Richmond Good Neighbours scheme, as well as fulfilling her important role as mother of three daughters and one son and grandmother to nine grandchildren.

The Society and the wider Richmond community have much to thank Wendy for in her public service across the years.

Paul Velluet
Chairman, 1984-1988
27th July, 2017

Old Deer Park

The Old Deer Park Working Group (ODPG) consists of representatives of The Richmond Society, The Kew Society, The Friends of Richmond Green, The Friends of Old Deer Park and The St Margaret’s Estate Residents Association.

ODPG response to the Council’s Old Deer Park Draft Supplementary Planning Document
(December 2017)

Response thumbnailIn December 2017 Richmond Council issued its Draft Supplementary Planning Document for the Old Deer Park.   The Old Deer Park Working Group’s response can be found here.

ODPG response to the Council’s Old Deer Park Supplementary Planning Consultation
(November 2016)

Response thumbnailIn October 2016 Richmond Council issued its Old Deer Park Supplementary Planning Document.   The Old Deer Park Working Group responded to this.

ODPG response to the Council’s Pre-Publication Consultation on the Local Plan
(August 2016)

Response thumbnailIn July 2016, Richmond Council issued out its Pre-Publication Consultation on the Local Plan. In its response, the Old Deer Park Working Group highlighted the absence of a draft Proposals Map, uncertainty whether the Old Deer Park has (or does not have) a Village Plan. It also reiterated the need for the Council to resolve the significant anomalies relating to the definition of the Old Deer Park’s boundaries as highlighted in its Boundary Definitions report of February 2013 (see above).

ODPG response to the Council’s Site Allocations Plan Pre-Publication consultation
(July 2014)

In June 2014, Richmond Council issued its Site Allocations Development Plan (Pre-Publication consultation on new additional sites).
Response thumbnailThe Old Deer Park Working Group responded, expressing concern that the Council had failed to address the adjustments that it had highlighted as being necessary in its November 2013 response. This failure went against the clear recognition of the case for adjustments in the definition of the relevant zoning boundaries expressed by the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Members, other Councillors and planning officers at useful and constructive meetings held at York House on the 22nd January and 24th February, 2014. The Group once again urged the Council to effect the necessary adjustments in the definition of the relevant zoning boundaries under the provisions of the Site Allocations Plan.

ODPG response to the Council’s Site Allocations Consultation
(November 2013)

In October 2013, Richmond Council issued its Site Allocations Plan consultation, aimed at meeting “present and future needs for housing, employment, retail, transport, education, health, community facilities, sport and leisure, looking ahead over the next fifteen years”.
Response thumbnailThe Old Deer Park Working Group’s response to this reiterated the principles it had set out in its Boundary Definitions report (see above). The Group’s principal concern was that failure by the Council to remedy the designation anomalies that it had identified would leave the relevant areas of the Old Deer Park at significant risk of proposals for substantial built development damaging the integrity and distinctive character of the Park.

ODPG Boundary Definitions Proposal Proposal
(February 2013)

Proposal thumbnailThe Group’s 2012 report raised concerns regarding significant anomalies regarding the definitions of a number of boundaries relating to the Old Deer Park shown in the Council’s Local Development Framework Proposals Map, Adopted November 2011. So in February 2013 the Group issued a further Boundary Definitions report recommending that the scope of future Old Deer Park plans include:
(1) the Pools on the Park, its grounds and car park
(2) the Old Deer Park car park and the land between that and the railway
(3) the carriageway and footways of the Twickenham Road.

ODPG Framework Proposal
(June 2012)

Framework thumbnailIn June 2012 the Group published the report: The Old Deer Park, Richmond – Re-connecting the Town to its local park – Realising an under-recognised parkland asset – A framework for conservation and enhancement.
The Group’s aim in publishing the report was to provide a positive contribution to discussion and debate in the context of the falling-in and renewal of all but two of the existing leases granted by the Crown Estate for the land comprising the Old Deer Park, Richmond.

Old Deer Park Richmond: The Crown Estate Strategy (Kim Wilkie, 1999)

Report thumbnailThe original proposals for the Old Deer Park were published by Kim Wilkie on behalf of the Crown Estates in 1999:
The Old Deer Park, Richmond – Re-connecting the Town to its local park – Realising an under-recognised parkland asset – A framework for conservation and enhancement.



Richmond Heathrow Campaign responds to the Government’s Heathrow announcement

Yesterday’s Government announcement supporting a 3rd runway at Heathrow is still only a single step towards a goal that may never be delivered. The final free vote in parliament will not be taken until October 2017 or later. In the mean time the proposal faces several obstacles:

1. The Government’s failure to explain how a 3rd runway will be paid for without raising landing charges and without massive public subsidy.

2. The impact of the 2008 Climate Change Act, which can only result in Heathrow diverting growth from parts of the UK where it is needed to the south-east where it is not.

3. Legal challenges from local councils (including Richmond) and environmental groups.

The Richmond Heathrow Campaign’s view is that this decision is political and not rational. The history of the Roskill Commission in the early 1970s shows that a Government runway decision can be changed, and then never implemented. We will continue to campaign to expose the absence of a factual foundation for today’s runway decision with a view to the proposed new runway sharing the same fate.

We are now on Twitter and will be building up a series of infographics over coming weeks. If you are on Twitter then please follow us, and please retweet us to your followers if you like what we are saying.

You can see our full position on Heathrow and all our submissions to the Davies Commission on our website.

For further papers covering the different aspects of Heathrow expansion please visit RHC Facts.

Peter Willan, Chair of the Richmond Heathrow Campaign writes:

On Tuesday 25 October, Chris Grayling (Secretary of State for Transport) announced with enthusiasm the Government’s support for a 3rd runway at Heathrow and that the scheme will now be taken forward. The process involves a draft National Policy Statement in the New Year followed by consultation, parliamentary scrutiny and a vote and then designation at which point a detailed planning application can be made.

The Government states it has relied on the recommendation of the Airports Commission in July 2015 and the positive outcome of further work on two unresolved issues of air quality and carbon emissions. Tribute was paid to the quality and professionalism of the Commission’s report.

Emphasis is given to the value of expansion to the local and wider economy with increased employment and international and domestic connectivity. The Statement repeatedly referred to Britain being open for business. In spite of the substantial costs, the Government says it is confident a plan will be delivered that keeps landing charges close to current levels. At this stage it is not clear whether the Government has ruled out any financial support for surface access or anything else.

The Government claims to recognise environmental costs and to that end – an expectation to end night flights before 6am and new legally binding noise targets. It notes the airport has pledged £700 million for noise mitigation. Meeting air quality legal requirements will be made a planning condition. Compensation for those communities affected will be supported by up to £2.6 billion (paid by Heathrow). We should be wary of any predictions decisions or conditions offered, given the history of broken promises by Government. No mention has been made of a 4th runway but then any promise not to expand further is almost certainly worthless.

Richmond Heathrow Campaign has consistently argued against the need for any new runways, given the restrictions flowing from Climate Change Act 2008 on carbon emissions that in effect limit the number of passengers to around 380 million per annum by 2050. We set out in our fact sheets at the negative impact on the UK economy of a 3rd runway under these circumstances and based on the Airports Commission’s evidence. Growth in total UK passenger numbers is reduced and Heathrow diverts demand from the rest of the UK, thus damaging employment and local economies around the UK. Growth of inbound tourism and long-haul business trips is reduced thus reducing economic benefits and the number of UK overseas destinations remains unchanged. These are all facts, along with many others, the Government has seemingly ignored. The Commission’s recommendation just does not stand up to scrutiny of its own facts.

The decision in our view is not rational and is founded on politics pressured by Heathrow and business lobbying. The Government has missed the opportunity to invest in making London’s five airports and their access better and allowing the rest of the UK to expand. Instead, concentration and overheating in the southeast will stifle competition. The Government and Heathrow are now engaged in a huge gamble that the expansion can be delivered, achieve the estimated benefits and satisfy the environmental and other constraints. We doubt success will be achieved. We will do what we can to ensure the scheme never gets off the ground.

Significantly, four local authorities including, Richmond, along with Greenpeace will almost certainly launch a legal challenge. The scheme is likely to be frustrated and delayed for several years and may never take off. We will continue the challenge with the support of our local amenity groups we represent – the Richmond Society, the Kew Society and the Friends of Richmond Green, which together have over 2,000 members. Not to do so would allow our community to be blighted with the potential of additional flights over Richmond. Our neighbour, Heathrow, has poured salt on the wound by declaring it will seek an early expansion of flights before the runway is built. We encourage people to follow us on twitter and support the campaign.

Further Reading from the Evening Standard . . .

Heathrow expansion is ‘wrong decision for London and Britain’
Sadiq Khan, October 2016

Expanding Heathrow will be a monumental blight on west London
Simon Jenkins, October 2016

Third Heathrow runway is ‘an outrageous vanity project’ says BA boss Willie Walsh
July 2015

Annual Awards 2016

Annual Awards 2016 logo.
The Richmond Society’s Annual Awards for 2016 were presented on Thursday 22nd September by our new patron, Baroness van Dedem, with Richmond’s Mayor, Councillor David Linnette, as the guest of honour.

This year’s brass plaque was given for the restoration of the Collcutt fountain at the top of Richmond Hill by the entrance to Richmond Park.

Collcutt Fountain restoration

Annual Awards 2016: Restoration of the Collcutt Function on Richmond Hill.

Borough of Richmond upon Thames
David Sharp,
Head of Construction & Maintenance

Consulting Architect
Donald Insall Associates
John Dangerfield, Associate Director

Paul Cleghorn Public Lighting Ltd
Paul Cleghorn, Proprietor

Grant giver
Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Civic Pride Fund
Councillor Pam Fleming
Richmond Civic Trust –
London Community Foundation
Sam Smallcombe, Programme & Monitoring Manager

Major funder
London Square
Mark Smith,
Development & Technical Director

The Richmond Society
Nicky Wood, Chair,
Landscaping & Riverside Committee

Awards were also given for the restoration of Dunstable House and of the Clerestory Windows in the Parish Church.

Restoration of Dunstable House on Sheen Road

Annual Awards 2016: Restoration of Dunstable House on Sheen Road.

Bencameron Ltd

M R Partnership Ltd
Christopher Watts, Director & Consultant Architect

Jaspar Management Ltd
Anish Patel


Restoration of the Clerestory Windows
in the Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene

Annual Awards 2016: Restoration of the Clerestory Windows in the Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene

Richmond Team Ministry
The Reverend Wilma Roest

Peter Bowyer, Parish Architect

Richard Murphy

Original Stained Glass & Glazing Company
Tyrone Russell

Honorable Mentions

The Richmond Society also commended the following developments:

  • The new Travelodge at 9 Paradise Road
  • Gail’s Bakery in Lichfield Court
  • Maintenance and enhancement of the Terrace Gardens


Queen’s 90th Birthday tree planting

The Richmond Society recently donated a black poplar tree to the National Trust to commemorate the Queen’s 90th birthday.


It was planted on Petersham Meadows earlier this week in a ceremony attended by the Mayor and Mayoress of Richmond together with representatives of the National Trust and the Richmond Society.

Chair of the Richmond Society, Professor Ian Bruce, commented: “This commemoration marks an important milestone and also helps ensure the addition of a rare native Black Poplar in ideal meadow conditions.”