The Richmond Society supports the Richmond Heathrow Campaign, which it founded in 2007 along with the Friends of Richmond Green and The Kew Society. Together these groups have over 2000 members.
The Richmond Heathrow Campaign works with government and other groups and has developed close working relations with Richmond Council and with our Member of Parliament.
We seek an end to Heathrow night flights.
We oppose any dilution of Heathrow runway alternation.
We oppose new runways at Heathrow.
We nevertheless recognise the importance of air transport for London and the need to make provision for handling the forecast increase in air passenger numbers. We therefore seek to make a positive contribution to the development of policies for London airport capacity and connectivity.
Airport Expansion: the Davies Commission
On 7th September 2012 the Secretary of State for Transport announced the formation of the Independent Airports Commission tasked with “identifying and recommending to government options for maintaining this country’s status as an international hub for aviation”. Howard Davies, former chairman of the Financial Services Authority, was appointed to chair the commission.
The Davies Commission released its interim report on 17th December 2013. This shortlisted three options:
1. Extended Heathrow Runway for dual operation: An extension of Heathrow‘s existing northern runway to the west to at least 6000m, enabling it to be used for both take-offs and landings at the same time.
2. New Heathrow Runway: A new 3500m runway at Heathrow Airport constructed to the north-west of the existing airport.
3. New Gatwick Runway: A new runway at Gatwick Airport more than 3000m in length.
Our position is that expected future passenger demand can be met with predicted larger aircraft and by substantially reducing transfers at Heathrow, most of which neither increase the number of destinations served nor benefit the wider economy. No additional runways need be built.
In particular, we are opposed to any expansion at Heathrow, which would increase noise misery for many in West London or blight new areas of the city. Instead, Heathrow’s operations should be managed to meet existing national and international public health guidelines. This includes the abolition of all night flights.
We continue to engage with Government to fight any expansion at Heathrow.
For more information, see the The Richmond Heathrow Campaign’s website.