Guerrilla gardeners restore colour to riverside

This modest plot between Buccleuch Gardens and the former Three Pigeons pub beside the Thames at Richmond was much neglected until Richmond Society members decided to do something about what had become an eyesore.

They hatched a plan to clear it and plant bulbs to restore some colour. Bulbs were duly donated and the Society bought compost and more plants. Members volunteered to do the gardening. The project had a disappointing start. Some bulbs came through, but not as many as was hoped.

“We put in several hundred pounds’ worth of plants in February, and in March a posse of workmen arrived with their mechanical digger to replace the sewer underneath and dig up round the bollard” said Nicky Wood, who chairs the Society’s Landscaping and Riverside Committee. “Not much of our planting survived the onslaught.”

Then fortunes changed. A chance encounter with Anna Kapuvari, a garden designer who was walking by as volunteers toiled away, led to the donation of more plants.

“Everything is planted now, and we think it’s looking pretty good,” Nicky said.

Volunteer Gardeners at the site

PHOTO (L-R) Volunteer gardeners Jean Loveland, Lizzie Danckwerts, Carey Clark, Nicky Wood, and Lindsey Andrews of the Richmond Society.

Thanks are due to the Metropolitan & Public Gardens Association and Taylors of Holbeach who donated 250 bulbs, Ham House for more than 300 bulbs, Petersham Nurseries for more than 150 plants, GoodGym Richmond whose members dug, weeded, composted, and helped to plant bulbs, Richmond upon Thames Council Parks Department which supported the project, Richmond Society volunteer gardeners Lindsey Andrews, Carey Clark, Lizzie Danckwerts, Linda Duffield, Jean Loveland, Hilary Pereira and Nicky Wood.

Richmond Hill Open Gardens, Sunday 2 June 2019

On Sunday 2nd June 2019, 15 beautiful gardens will be open to the public, offering something of interest for everyone.

Within walking distance of each other and close to Richmond town centre, the gardens are all set on the slopes of Richmond Hill. The gardens will be open from 11am to 5pm; some will have plants for sale.

For further details and tickets, please see the Richmond Hill Open Gardens website.

Heathrow Consultation – Deadline 4th March

Heathrow Airport has issued a consultation on its operations and associated airspace design. It presents several proposals that would increase aircraft noise over Richmond significantly.

Link to RHC guidance on responding to the consultationThe Richmond Heathrow Campaign, on which the Richmond Society is represented, has issued a guide to the consultation and suggestions as to how to respond, which can be accessed here. The consultation expires this coming Monday 4 March. 

While the issues are technical and the consultation not always straightforward to follow, the potential noise impact on Richmond  is substantial. We therefore urge you to respond.

Additionally, Richmond’s MP Zac Goldsmith will chair a public meeting on the consultation at 7:00 pm this Wednesday 27 February at Duke Street Church, Richmond.  There are more details about this meeting here.  

Local Transport Strategy Implementation consultation response

On 11 January 2019, the Richmond Society responded to the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames’s consultation about the Third Local Implementation Plan for the Mayor’s Transport Strategy.

Questions 1 and 2 covered the details of who we are. Our answers to the subsequent questions comprise our response.

3. To what extend do you support or oppose the objectives of the LIP?

Tend to support.

4. Please tell us the aspects of the Objectives section that you particularly like and why:

We support initiatives that facilitate more walking and cycling – most especially for shorter journeys and when supplemented by a better public transport provision for longer journeys, or when active travel options are not practical or desirable.

We support the aspirations for developing “Healthy Routes” to schools although it may prove hard to derive a tangible benefit at schools located in areas of high traffic flow and pollution.

The move to online shopping and decline of high streets has led to more freight traffic using residential roads and we would welcome action to promote the consolidation of delivery services. We would expect residents of car-free developments to place a high reliance on supermarket and similar household delivery services. We therefore support Council action to obtain a better understanding of freight deliveries and gain tangible evidence in advance of trying to implement changes that may have economic repercussions.

5. Please tell us the aspects of the Objectives section that you particularly dislike and why :

The LIP does not seem to promote an integrated transport strategy – most especially one that recognises the impact of the proposed large scale housing development in Mortlake, Kew and North Sheen. It’s all very well to give blanket support for car free developments in high PTAL areas, but this is a crude indicator that does not consider where residents want to travel to for work, schools and for shopping and social reasons.

Reducing overall levels of car ownership and supporting public transport are admirable objectives but we have some concern about the Council using CPZ’s as “a key mechanism for the borough to influence the number and type of vehicles owned by residents”. For some residents this will be construed as a further tax on the less affluent while those with off-street parking would be exempted. Furthermore, the Council allows motorcycles to park in a CPZ without a permit, but it is unclear whether encouraging a shift to P2W vehicles is a desired policy objective or unintended consequence. It will also be a simple matter for residents of car free developments with s106 restrictions on CPZ permits to park their P2Ws in a CPZ space.

There is an important distinction that is not well made between reducing people’s use of private cars versus their ownership of a private car. While discouraging ownership might be a good thing, not every trip can be accomplished on public transport – moving heavy things or taking the elderly to hospital for example. For those type of journeys car clubs and taxis provide an important public service. However, because the Mayor doesn’t consider car clubs, taxis or private hire vehicles to fall within the “Public Transport” category any trips using these methods are meant to be subject to the modal shift aims when this may not be appropriate.

Average bus speeds are quoted in the LIP as being typical for outer London but the Council nevertheless intends (yet again) to review the operational hours of existing bus lanes. The slower and more unreliable aspects of a bus journey for a passenger will often be time spent at bus stops and in taking convoluted routes of no benefit to most riders. An origin and destination study to evaluate the appropriateness of bus routes and, most especially, to establish the feasibility of express bus services may be a better use of resources and ultimately prove a better way to entice more bus passengers.

6. To what extent do you support or oppose the delivery plan?

Tend to support.

7. Please tell us the aspects of the Delivery Plan section that you particularly like and why.

We welcome the Council’s desire to increase understanding around freight and servicing activity. However, we are concerned about comments in the text that pre-suppose a desire to reduce freight traffic before knowing the economic impact.

We are pleased that the council intends to work with local community groups to ensure that projects are in the right locations and include the improvements most needed by local people.

8. Please tell us the aspects of the Delivery Plan section that you particularly dislike and why:

Walking issues

The LIP gives no priority to improving the physical condition of local pavements which is disappointing given that they are an essential requirement for this purpose. Uneven and/or narrow and/or cluttered pavements make it unappealing to walk particularly for older or disabled people, or those with children and pushchairs, or with parcels to carry. There are locations where poor management of street trees has made it impractical for many people to use the footpath and this should be addressed.

In delivering the MTS objectives for walking, cycling and public transport the Council should give close attention to the needs of older people across the borough. What a younger person may see as an easy journey can include insurmountable obstacles for the elderly. Furthermore, even the most able bodied may occasionally need vehicles to move large or multiple items.

CPZ issues

We are not comfortable with CPZs being used as a tool to implement Council policies and to raise excess revenue from those who are simply struggling to find on street parking space near where they live. Not everyone who parks on the street is affluent and properties with off-street parking would not be subjected to the same constraints.

Some residents need vehicles to work, not only those who may be employed at some distance from the borough, but also those who provide support services locally. That can include care workers visiting elderly or disabled residents in their own homes and trades people such as plumbers and electricians who provide essential support services. The cost of services to residents is also increased when there is a requirement to pay for parking in a CPZ. Furthermore, car dependency tends to be higher in areas of the borough with lower PTAL ratings.

Poor Integrated Thinking

The MTS does not consider Private Hire Vehicles to be part of “public transport” in spite of their benefits in reducing levels of private car ownership and helping to offer an integrated transport solution, especially in areas with low PTALs.

The draft LIP advises that the Council expects to control car ownership and drive public transport use through supporting car-free developments in high PTAL locations. The Council also seems to indicate support for TfL “re-shaping” the bus network to meet changing patterns of demand. Unfortunately, TfL’s recent consultation about curtailing bus services to Manor Circus suggests there is a disconnect between the Council and TfL on these issues. Reducing the PTAL around Manor Circus would work against the Mayor’s objectives for car free housing while also reducing the public transport experience.

The LIP states that the Council will seek to minimise the impact of the level crossings on pedestrians and cyclists but doesn’t mention working with Network Rail and the train operators to reduce dwell times for motor vehicles. This seems like an odd omission given the significant benefits for reducing congestion and pollution.

The funding submission to TfL (as detailed in Appendix 2) does not appear to be following the current MTS categories.


The LIP indicates multiple benefits arising from the recent introduction of dockless bikes, but the evidence raises doubts about Ofo’s operational capability and whether the scheme is viable in the longer term.

There is no discussion about the growing number of electric scooters including whether they should be supported as a part of the local travel mix with rights to use pavements or cycle lanes.

The LIP confirms the Council’s wish for more contra-flow cycle lanes and greater use of filtered permeability, but we would request that these only be implemented having taken full account of local knowledge and support.


The LIP states in several places that the Council supports the expansion of the ULEZ to the South Circular. Previously the Council has pushed for the ULEZ boundary to be located further out and has consistently opposed using the South Circular as the ULEZ boundary because it would bisect the borough, put Townmead dump inside the ULEZ and divert higher polluting vehicles into areas that already struggle with poor air quality. We are opposed to the South Circular becoming the ULEZ boundary and consider that the Mayor is simply taking a cost/benefit decision that requires Richmond to bear the costs without any benefits.

New Thames Bridge consultation response

On 4 January 2019, the Richmond Society submitted its response to the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames’s consultation about the possibility of building a new pedestrian and cycle bridge across the River Thames.

Questions 1 and 2 covered the details of who we are.  Our answers to the subsequent questions comprise our response.

3  Do you support the idea of a new pedestrian/cycle bridge across the River Thames in the borough?
Don’t know

4  Do you have a preferred location for a bridge from the five areas shortlisted in the feasibility study?
Bridge 13 (between Radnor Gardens and Ham Lands)

5  Of the five shortlisted locations, the feasibility report identified two potential sites as the most beneficial. Do you have a preference between these two locations?
Yes, bridge 13 (between Radnor Gardens and Ham Lands)

6  What do you think would be the benefits of your preferred location?
Provides Ham residents with easier access to the local facilities and greater transport options available in Twickenham. Strawberry Hill and Twickenham residents would gain easy access to green space at Ham lands. Allows easier access to a wide range of accommodation in Ham for St Mary’s students and staff.

7  Do you have any concerns about the sites and locations?

The capital cost comparisons appear to have been based on a cable tied construction with supports of up to 21m, approach ramps with a 1:20 gradient and a deck width of 4.5m. While this may not be the final design it is apparent that any option would require substantial space and be intrusive into the landscape. Furthermore, we understand that the height requirements of bridges in the tidal stretches may have been underestimated by up to 2m as they are not allowing for navigation during high tides. Based on a 1:20 gradient that adds significant extra length to the approach ramp requirements, most especially if they are also designed to offer a dry route during high tides.

At Richmond Bridge the police have expressed concerns about the risk of a pedestrian and cyclist collision resulting in someone being pitched into the river. This risk must be mitigated for these bridge proposals and open clearance of 3.5m on the over water deck may feel a bit tight for a combined two way flow of pedestrians, pets and cyclists.

With regard to bridges 15 and 13, the consultants appear to have used a narrow interpretation of the width of the protected views from Ham House and Richmond Hill and determined that neither of these bridge options would have an impact. We think this is optimistic and, while designs are yet to be produced and the impact is not known, The Richmond Society could not support any proposal that impinges on protected views. The views from the riverbanks back towards Richmond Hill are also important.

These bridges and their approach routes would need lighting at night. This creates concerns about light spillage into the river and/or into currently dark areas used by nocturnal wildlife (which includes protected species).

The report notes a possible impact of bridge 15 on Hammerton’s Ferry which would represent a loss of heritage and be contrary to the economic benefit aims. The Council should also consider the applicability of views raised during the campaign against developing a boathouse at Orleans Gardens..

8  How often do you think you might use a bridge at your preferred location?
Don’t know

9  Do you think a bridge would help you walk or cycle more?
Don’t know

10  Please tell us about any design elements that should be taken account of:

Designs must not impact on the views from Richmond Hill protected by an Act of Parliament.

Irrespective of any legal issues around permitting cyclists to use the towpath careful consideration should be given to mitigating the environmental impact that will arise from a more intensive use. There are particular issues at Petersham where the path is narrow, underwater at high tide and has retained its undeveloped appearance.

11  Please use the space below to provide any final comments or tell us of any considerations you think the Council would need to examine.
The Richmond Society is a civic amenity group representing over 1,200 residents across an area of benefit extending from the Thames in the west to Chalker’s Corner in the east and including Richmond’s town centre. None of the bridge proposals is physically located in the Society’s area of benefit and our concerns therefore relate principally to the visual impact from Richmond Hill and repercussions for the towpath.

Bus route changes consultation response

The Richmond Society has responded to Transport for London’s consultation about proposed bus route changes in Richmond.

1) Loss of service along the A316 corridor between Richmond and Manor Circus.

The proposals to withdraw the H22 and 493 service along this stretch would appear to remove 11 buses per hour between Richmond and Manor Circus during peak periods (a reduction of 40% in the current service).

TfL state that, because routes 190, 391, 419/110 and R68 offer 17 buses per hour, this will continue to provide sufficient capacity to meet demand. However, that capacity would only be available at a reduced frequency, meaning longer wait times and more passengers having to change buses to complete their journey.

It seems particularly inappropriate to consider reducing capacity when significant population growth is occurring along this stretch of the A316 corridor. The fact that Sainsbury’s large supermarket is located at Manor Circus, serves this expanded population, and is highlighted for residential development in the Local Plan should all be relevant considerations.

Furthermore, a loss in bus service frequency negatively affects the PTAL of other nearby development sites for which planning decisions have recently been taken, or are forthcoming. It would especially affect a current proposal to develop 400 units on the Homebase site immediately south of Manor Circus. This development (see is proposed to be car free, but a reduction in bus services to Manor Circus potentially reduces the site’s PTAL from 5 to 4 – causing it to fall below the council’s stated threshold for acceptability as a car free development. Reducing bus services to Manor Circus therefore works against a coherent and sustainable Mayoral strategy for new housing.

2) Comments on specific routes

i) H22 – The loss of bus capacity connecting Richmond and Twickenham town centres via Marble Hill would be retrogressive and mean a reduced service to Orleans School and the Civic Centre. It is important to know what repercussions this change could have for a modal shift away from public transport, for congestion in both town centres and across Richmond Bridge and consequently also for the reliability of other bus routes.

ii) 493 – At present this route assists a significant population cluster around the A316 who need to visit the hospitals at Tooting and Roehampton. If the service to Manor Circus is withdrawn as suggested then TfL is expecting potentially less able residents to transfer buses and/or walk substantially greater distances to connect with an essential service. The Hopper Fare cannot be guaranteed in perpetuity and does not mitigate against the added difficulty while breaking a journey to transfer buses will never represent a better service.

iii) 419 – Incorporating this service into a substantially lengthened route 110 is a concern if the extended journey time negatively affects service reliability. However, the proposed routing via Chertsey and Whitton Roads is very welcome, not least because it simplifies the ability of Richmond students to reach the new Richmond upon Thames School on A316. However, Richmond residents travelling to and from West Middlesex Hospital will get a worse service.

iv) 371 – Although not part of this consultation, it is worth reiterating requests for this route to connect with Kingston Hospital. This becomes even more pertinent if travel to other hospitals is more difficult.

3) Existing service deficiencies are not addressed

These proposals do not address the poor bus service currently offered along the Lower Richmond Road (i.e. between Manor Circus and Mortlake). This existing service deficiency will become more acute once the large Stag Brewery development and secondary school are built in Mortlake.

We support the representations to extend the 219 bus service from the Avondale Road terminus, past the Stag Brewery site and Chalker’s corner either to Kew Retail Park (itself also due to be redeveloped for housing), or to Richmond. The Mortlake school is planned to serve students living in Kew and North Richmond and they will need a much improved bus service between these areas.

In summary the Richmond Society does not support curtailing existing services. We do not consider that this meets TfL’s stated objectives of providing a better bus service by improving the experience for customers, or in supporting housing growth.

Response to LBRUT 20mph Consultation

This is The Richmond Society’s response to the Council’s consultation about implementing a borough wide 20mph speed limit. The Society is a civic amenity group representing over 1,200 residents across an area of benefit extending from the Thames in the west to Chalker’s Corner in the east and including Richmond’s town centre and part of the A316.

The Society has promoted the Council’s consultation and associated press releases to its members throughout the process but will not take a position either for or against 20mph limits. We do, however, want to comment on the consultation itself.

General Observations

The relevant element of the consultation consists of only three questions (numbered 3 to 5). Questions 3 and 5 ask respondents for a personal and subjective view and, as such, are reasonable.

Question 4 asks respondents about the extent of their agreement or disagreement that the introduction of a 20mph borough-wide speed limit would:

i. Reduce the incidence and seriousness of road traffic accidents;
ii. Reduce car use by encouraging alternative forms of transport;
iii. Improve air quality.

Quite rightly the Council provides summary evidence to help residents who want to form an objective opinion on these issues. However, it is somewhat disappointing to find that, throughout virtually the entire three month consultation period, the Council only promoted information that tended to endorse 20mph limits. Most residents will be unaware of contradictory evidence, or that some of the Council’s extracts from research and data should have carried a qualification.

The choice of questions was very limited in scope and did not encourage residents to consider whether they might rate alternative solutions more highly to achieve equivalent aims. These could have included targeted interventions (e.g. 20mph outside schools, or by re-engineering accident black spots), or to gauge residents’ support for alternative ways of encouraging modal shift and reducing air pollution. The value of running an expensive consultation becomes questionable if the Council only wants to hold up a mirror that reflects a pre-determined position.

Caveats ought also to be attached to the consultation’s results due to the ability of anyone to submit an anonymous response online and without any apparent control to prevent multiple submissions.

The quality of the consultation results has also been affected by releasing different evidence and reference information during the time that it has been open and at “Community Conversations”. New material provided after the start of the consultation means that respondents had different information on which to base their opinion at different times within the consultation period. This might be unavoidable when important new information emerges but, in this case, it feels more like the consultation was started prematurely – or perhaps that, early responses were slow to arrive or not in line with the expected outcome, and more effort was needed.

In that regard, the report from Public Health dated November 28th was added more than two months after the consultation started and the DfT commissioned report on the effectiveness of 20mph limits (also published in November) was added about a week before the closing date. As possibly the most extensive study of 20mph limits across the country, the DfT report was long awaited and ought logically to be a key reference.

It is of some concern that the first consultation leaflet sent to residents did not specify the costs of the scheme stating only: “There will be no extra charges passed onto residents to pay for this.” Clearly there are costs with any proposal and, if there is to be no extra charge on residents, then funds must inevitably be diverted from other budgets. Later in the process the costs were announced at £0.7m – £1.5m but it remains unclear what other Highways projects must be scaled back (or stopped, or not progressed) to cover this expenditure. Residents’ views about these costs and alternative budget options were not sought. No estimate of the higher costs of maintaining repeater signage, or roundels painted on the road, has been provided.

The council measured speeds across a cross sections of roads to compute an average borough speed of 21.9mph but only released this information after the start of the consultation. We would request that, prior to completing the Cabinet report, the data underlying this computation (i.e. to include the survey dates, the individual roads tested and average speeds recorded) be published alongside other 20mph reference sources. This data can then be considered to represent a base case against which progress in reducing speed and accident rates could be measured in a few years.

Comments on the Component Elements of Section 4

i) Reduce the incidence and seriousness of road traffic accidents

The laws of physics dictate that, because slower speeds allow more reaction time, some accidents may be avoided and that, in the event of a collision, personal injuries and/or property damage are much reduced. It is therefore difficult for respondents to disagree that 20mph would not reduce the incidence and seriousness of accidents making the value of this question somewhat doubtful.

The Council’s initial leaflets, commentary and presentations have reiterated that improving safety is a key objective for introducing 20mph limits across the borough. However, the historical accident statistics used by the Council included TfL and Royal Parks routes although these are not part of the 20mph proposals.

This created a material mis-representation of the safety gains achievable given that, over the last three years, about 25% of KSI accidents and 37% of slight injuries occurred on TfL roads. The latest leaflet hand delivered to residents has compounded this mis-representation by stating that fatal and serious accidents (including TfL routes) have risen by 12% in the borough over the last three years. Although serious accidents on TfL roads are 88% higher in this period and a major contributor to the statistics, the leaflet rather misleadingly concludes that “You can stop this.”

The Atkins report commissioned by the DfT recognises the public’s concern about the lack of police enforcement and is inconclusive about the benefits of 20mph limits on reducing collision rates. It reports that there is tentative evidence to support concerns that lowering the speed limit may increase driver frustration and distraction as evidenced by a significant increase in the proportion of collisions that have been categorised as ‘careless / reckless / in a hurry’.

In this regard it is important to recognise that a borough wide 20mph limit may restrict opportunities to draw drivers’ attention to areas of vulnerability (particularly near schools) where a 20mph sign that currently helps to flag the need for care is removed. Ideally this loss would be offset by installing alternative signage.

If 20mph limits result in modal shift then it must be expected that, perversely, the number of incidents involving cyclists will increase. Headline accident rates may therefore not reduce as desired and with a risk that they include a greater number of vulnerable road users.

ii) Reduce car use by encouraging alternative forms of transport

Throughout essentially all of the consultation period the Council has only promoted a single viewpoint and most respondents do not have the wherewithal to look in detail at the evidence presented.

The Council’s first leaflet stated that “in Bristol, slowing speed limits from 30mph to 20mph contributed to increasing walking and cycling by over 20%.” This disregards the caveat in the UWE’s BRITE report that it is not possible to state with certainty that the 20% modal shift to cycling and walking was related to the introduction of 20 mph.

Anecdotal evidence in Richmond similarly seems to show significant increases in the numbers of people cycling locally since 2012. This has been achieved in the absence of 20mph limits although, because cyclists justifiably prefer lower vehicle speeds, it is impossible to know if uptake might have been higher.

The Atkins report for DfT suggests a net 1% of people cycling more as a consequence of 20mph limits, but that walking and cycling rates are essentially unchanged.

The Council has gone to some lengths to show that 20mph limits should not materially increase car journey times and so, by applying this logic, lower speeds should not of itself cause a driver to abandon their car. This question therefore seems to miss an opportunity to probe drivers about adopting alternative travel modes.

iii) Improve air quality

Most pundits agree that vehicle type and driving style have far more influence on reducing air pollution than lower speeds. Lower levels of braking and acceleration with 20mph limits should reduce particulate pollution, but the evidence linking 20mph to improved air quality remains fairly inconclusive.

Again the Council has presented information selectively. The first Council leaflet highlights the April 2013 research on behalf of Cross River Partnership which found lower emissions by diesels at 20mph. However, this statement has not been qualified by the fact that the same research also found emissions are 8% worse for petrol vehicles.


How this consultation presented its questions and the underlying evidence suggests a desire from the Council to drive responses that would show support for 20mph limits.

Given that 20mph limits has cross party political support locally this consultation seems to have missed a valuable opportunity for collecting feedback from residents that might have better helped the Council with its active travel planning.

Walking and cycling in Richmond – can you help?

This is an opportunity for you to feed back your views.

There is plenty in the press about the importance of getting more people walking and cycling and the Richmond Society promotes active travel.

Street scene with police and cyclist

With more people walking or cycling ever greater levels of care and tolerance will be needed between pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. Many of us use these different modes at different times and so developing a mutual understanding should not be difficult. Nevertheless, too many people in Richmond (most especially the elderly and infirm) live in fear of being knocked over while out on foot.

It is vitally important that everyone can use Richmond’s pavements and roads safely – even if they are narrow and heavily parked. There are many locations where pavement parking is permitted (these are signed), but we have all seen instances of people parking inconsiderately and making the pavement impassable for anyone walking with a pram, a wheelchair, shopping bags, etc or who is in any way disabled.

The Richmond Safer Pavements campaign has been formed by a group of residents with support from the South Richmond Police Liaison Group, local Councillors and the Richmond Cycling Campaign. Its aim is to promote pedestrian safety on the footway by trying to curb incidences of illegal parking and dangerous cycling on the footway.

The group would like to identify where and when the pressure points for parking and pavement cycling exist. From that work they hope to identify where better signage and/or enforcement is needed.

If you would like to help this campaign please email Alan Laird

He would particularly like details (not rants!) relating to the following:

1) Have you been involved in a cycling:pedestrian accident yourself? If so, when and where? Please explain what happened.

2) Where in South Richmond have you personally come across people cycling on the pavement (i.e. the road or alley name?) If it’s a regular occurrence is there a particular time of day, or day of the week, when this happens?

3) Pavement parking – can you identify pressure points (using the same criteria as above for pavement cycling)?

4) Signage – where do you think “no cycling” signs should be deployed and what form should these take? There is a range of signage across the area.

5) Directional signage to help cyclists – where do you feel signage should be used to help cyclists get to the town centre, the river etc.?

6) Anything else you would like to contribute including something innovative. For example is there a specific road where the pavement on one side could be for pedestrians with the other for cyclists?

7) Would you be interested in joining the working group to help gather the facts, crunch the statistics and help us find solutions?

Remember others: Helping the homeless

Quick links: SPEAR Guide to how you can helpNotify SPEAR of the location of a rough sleeper.

This time last year, a new poem was published expressing a sentiment which seemed apt for the festive season. As Christmas comes around again it is brought to mind whilst we think about those who bed down on our streets and in our parks and open spaces at this inclement time of year. Here it is:

Remember Others

And comes the time for Christmas cheer again,
throughout the modern world we spend and spend.
Let’s not forget the message, heed the pain,
of others whom on us for life depend.
The sick and starving children marred by war,
or pestilence or xenophobic kings.
It goes against all decent moral law,
to thus ignore the sound as pity sings.

So as we sit and eat our festive meal,
remember well how lucky we all are.
We do not have to weasel, lie or steal,
unlike the victims living under par.
A hope it is that waste we do accrue,
will see its way to those for whom it’s due.

This heartfelt aspiration in the form of a sonnet in iambic pentameters was written by a recovering alcoholic who almost lost his home. For 30 years Alistair Muir was a heavy drinker and drug taker. In the lowest of his lows, he consumed more than 300 units of alcohol per week and faced life on the streets. He turned to writing as a form of therapy.

We are privileged to live in one of the most affluent places in the land, and the happiest place to live in London, according to Rightmove, a property website. Alistair Muir is not from these parts. Whether there is anyone quite like him in Richmond we do not know. For all our town’s prosperity and happiness, however, there are those in our midst who need help. For proof, just glance at shop doorways where homeless men and women huddle for warmth.

Sleeping rough is hazardous and can be fatal: the average life expectancy of a rough sleeper is reckoned to be 47. Police note linkage between the incidence of rough sleeping and serious use of hard drugs. This is sometimes associated with aggressive begging.

Several voluntary organisations and charities in Richmond provide help for those in crisis. Some of the most active are listed below.

SPEAR building and signSPEAR (Single Person’s Emergency Accommodation in Richmond) works to move people from homelessness to independence.

SPEAR began 30 years ago, offering a night shelter and, later, move-on accommodation and a permanent short-stay hostel. Its emergency shelter is at Penny Wade House, 22-24 Kew Road, on Richmond Circus just past the Church of St John the Divine. The phone number is 020 8332 7382. SPEAR operates a Rough Sleeper Helpline on 020 8404 1481 and at

SPEAR’s guide to how you can help if you see someone sleeping rough is at You can notify the location of a rough sleeper online at so that SPEAR’s outreach team can try to help.

Penny Wade, for whom the Richmond hostel is named, was a social activist. Before she opened the first SPEAR shelter in 1986 she had helped to set up the Vineyard Project, a drop-in centre that provided a welcoming environment for all comers – lonely or vulnerable people, some with mental health problems, on probation, homeless or otherwise on the margins of society.

Vineyard Centre entranceIt was located in the crypt of the Vineyard Congregational Church, which once hosted a youth club where Tony Blair famously played as a gap year guitarist in 1972 before going up to Oxford.

Penny devoted 21 years to the Vineyard Project and together with a team of volunteers helped thousands of local people in distress. She was also a trustee of the Richmond Parish Lands Charity, to which the Richmond Society nominates a Trustee. Penny died 10 years ago, aged 78.

Vineyard Community Centre, the Vineyard Project’s successor, describes itself as a place of refuge and comfort for people who are in crisis.

“Help in crisis, hope for life,” it proclaims at Its phone number is 020 8439 9735, email

Bob Kimmerling, who trained as an architect and became head of the Vineyard Centre’s Trustees, calls it a sort of haven in the middle of Richmond where “we open our hearts”.

The morning drop-in aims to meet the needs of those who are in crisis or homeless, to provide a welcome and connection to community. It looks after up to 40 visitors each morning – people who drop in for breakfast, a shower, chat, use of a computer – about 7,500 visits a year. Some drop in just for a few days and others remain almost permanently. Visitors stay for around three months on average before finding a way forward.

Noticeboard at Vineyard ChurchThroughout the year, food is donated by local supermarkets, restaurants and cafés.

“There will be early Christmas celebrations at the Vineyard attended by about 100 people, with turkey and all the trimmings, crackers and carols,” Bob Kimmerling says.

He is minister of what is now called Vineyard Life Church, a trustee of Richmond Street Pastors run by local churches, and founder of the Richmond FoodBank, which has been providing three days’ worth of nutritionally balanced “emergency food” for local people in crisis twice a week since 2012. Details at or call 020 8940 0274.

Glass Door Homeless Charity is London’s largest open-access network of emergency winter shelters and support services for those affected by homelessness. It partners with an inter-denominational network of churches across West and South West London to provide shelter and support that is open to all, space permitting, for 22 weeks from November to April.

A circuit of Glass Door shelters opened in seven Richmond-upon-Thames churches for the first time last January. In Richmond town and on the Hill, they are currently run from the churches of St John the Divine, St Elizabeth of Portugal, St Matthias, and the Vineyard Life Church, which take it in turn to offer shelter for one night. The Church of St Mary Magdalene, in the heart of the town, is unable to provide accommodation because it lacks a kitchen in which to cook food. Members of its congregation do volunteer at other churches, however.

Glass Door’s list of the top ways to bring shelter and hope this Christmas is at You can donate to its Christmas appeal here:

Congregations at St John the Divine, St Mary Magdalene and St Matthias had been looking to find a way to “help those who are sleeping rough in our town, the ones we see on our way to church and those who come to us for some support,” said the Rev Wilma Roest, Rector of the Richmond Team Ministry that runs the three Anglican churches. “This project offers a practical, sensible and realistic way of bringing some comfort during these cold months.”

Richmond upon Thames Council offers help to those who are homeless or at risk of becoming so. Details can be found at

Janice Kay

Janice KayIt is with much sadness that we announce the passing of Janice Kay, a stalwart of the Richmond Society’s Executive Committee for many years.

Janice was a Trustee of the Society for 28 years and as Programme Secretary was in charge of arranging our talks. She did this assiduously with a thoroughness and close attention to detail that left nothing to chance.

These attributes and expertise had been learned in her professional life as a television director.

Her daughter Serena said in a notice announcing the death of her mother: “She was a pioneer and trailblazer being the first and youngest, female television director ever in the UK. Her career took her all around the world and she worked with all the top names in the entertainment industry. She moved to Richmond in 1961, where she has lived ever since. Janice became involved with the Richmond Society about 28 years ago when she took over the Press and Publicity side. Janice worked tirelessly for RS, organising all of the Speakers throughout this time. Janice used to set out all the chairs on her own, sell the refreshments, cope with the IT issues and ensure that every speaker was treated professionally and looked after. Janice was passionate about Richmond and its community and ambience and gave so much of her time and energy to the Richmond Society.”

Janice died peacefully at her Richmond home on Tuesday 6 November after an illness which in recent months had prevented her from continuing the active role she so enjoyed playing in the Society’s affairs. We miss her greatly.